No Huddle Fantasy Sports

No Huddle Fantasy Sports
Photo by Tim Gouw / Unsplash

No Huddle Fantasy Sports is dedicated to providing clear, concise fantasy sports content - fast.  The key is understanding how the vast majority of us don't have endless hours to spend researching and breaking down data, bottomless pockets to dedicate high amounts of cash to tournaments, subscription services and optimizers, or even valuable time to watch each and every game and player involved.  Thus, I created No Huddle Fantasy Sports, to deliver quality fantasy sports advice in a manner that allows you all to still enjoy the more important hours of your day, while still being prepared for DFS.

Daily Fantasy Sports

Daily Fantasy Sports or "DFS" for short, is what this site is primarily designed around.  The reality is there are many sharks out there that have two very valuable resources in DFS, time and money.  This is who we all compete against, so the goal here is to provide quality DFS content to help you mitigate any edge a "pro" may have and ensure you have the ability to not only win in DFS but enjoy the slates.


No Huddle Fantasy Sports also maintains a growing YouTube channel, similarly titled - No Huddle Fantasy Sports.  I encourage you all to take time to check out the channel, where you can get a closer look at the optimizers and here some more detailed explanation of plays, picks and DFS.   Subscribe and do it now!